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引魂师守则 |
总则 The duty of the Soul-leading Masters is to guide those who should be in the land of promise to their supposed destination... 引魂师的职责即为引领本应去天国的人们顺利去往天界。 第一条 LOVE and HATRED are both not allowed.All the guided souls must be treated equally by the Masters, with no preference and resentment.. “爱”与“恨”都是禁忌,引魂师须公平看待被自己引渡的灵魂,不得有偏爱或憎恶。 第二条 The Masters shall not fall in love with any human being or doll, to whom the affection showing information “I LOVE YOU” is forbidden.. 引魂师不得爱上人类或玩偶。引魂师不得对人类或玩偶说“我爱你。” 第三条 The only obligation of the Masters is to lead those who died to the land of promise.No controlling power to the life-and-death issue of human beings, as well as the fate thereof is granted for them.. 引魂师只负责引领寿命已尽的人去往天界。引魂师不掌管人们的生死,也不得擅自改变人类的命轮。 第四条 Any Master who acts against this Law shall receive the death penalty by a gold arrow.Other punishment may be ordered as well.. 所有违反法则的引魂师,都将被金箭赐死,或是接受其他处罚。
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